Our Vision

‘Surakshit Bharat’– Safe & Secure India

Our Mission

To establish Life Safety and Security as an important human obligation in the economic development

Our Goals

Foster a spirit of safe living among all citizens of India and inculcate a proactive mind-set towards safety.

Our Values

Members will integrate the Fire Safety, Security & Services with various aspects of Life Safety in the society.


W e A r e W o r k i n g F o r Y o u S i n c e
About FSAI

A Small Spark Can Ignite Big Safety!

FIRE & SECURITY ASSOCIATION OF INDIA (FSAI) is a non-profit organization established in 2002 representing the Fire Protection, Life Safety, Security, Building Automation, Loss Prevention and Risk Management domains.

We Work closely with the Government and all other stakeholders to enable the Indian Fire and Security industry to reach global pre-eminence with better regulatory framework.

Continuous engagement with all member companies and stakeholders to device strategies and achieve shared aspirations for the industry and the country in rural urban development planning and nation building. Partnership with members.

Our Stratagies

How we can build a better country together!


Upcoming Events

“We at Bilabong High School(Santacruz) would like to convey our sincere thanks to the Fire and Security Association of India as well as Honeywell Life Saftey along for conducting the school awareness programme on Fire and Security. The efforts of the whole team in conducting such an educative event are also appreciated at our end.”

Billabong High International School

Managed by Lina Ashar Foundation

“We would like to express our genuine gratitude to FSAI for conducting the school awareness program on fire and security. We highly appreciate the efforts of the whole team in organizing the mock drill on the use of fire extinguishers”


L'Académie Globale









Our Team

FSAI Board Members - 2024 - 26

Join our Fire Safety Association and become a part of a community dedicated to fire prevention and safety excellence.

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